The NFL Is An Absolute Disgrace For Allowing Patrick Mahomes To Run Down The Safety Base Sideline

Wanna know who’s an idiot? Pretty much everyone except me.

That’s how I feel every time one of these sideline plays occur or when a quarterback fakes giving himself up in general. I know I’m not the only one that sees what’s going on here. But that’s how it feels. I just wish one announcer would have the balls to say what garbage this is but looks like Mr. part-time Raider owner Yawn Brady isn’t going to be the one.

Just look at the NFL’s account question up there. You want to know the answer, NFL? It’s because you are all a bunch of stupid morons who don’t know shit about fuck. That’s how Mahomes was able to do that. He did absolutely nothing special on that play. Other than use your dipshit rules to his advantage. He knew all he had to do was pretend to go out of bounds by slowing down at an angle and the defender would have to hold up in the event he hit Mahomes with one tiny little toe on the white line. That would be an immediate flag, fine and probably cost his team the game.

Patrick Mahomes has been pulling this dogshittery for years now, and you know what? Good for him. It’s not his job to fix it. It’s the NFLs. Don’t hate the player, hate the game 100 percent applies here. This needs to change. And that won’t happen until people start talking about how this garbage shouldn’t be allowed and offerring solutions. So far I’m pretty much the only one who’s been doing this in sports media. Just little ole me trying to make some sparks on the floating dandelion seed size kindling of a following I have in hopes to start a much needed forest fire.

So what’s the fix?

It’s pretty simple. Allow defenders to tackle in the white line on the sideline. That should be a grace zone. This could literally fix everything. Offensive players are still out of bounds when they touch any part of the white, but are fair game to be initiated with contact until crossing the other side of it. With respect, whoever decided that once a player touches the white line they are automatically safe from being hit either never played the game or has CTE damage all the way down to their big toe. It’s literally impossible to square up for a legal chest high tackle when you are forced to look down at the quarterback’s feet at the same time. With the thick white line acting as a grace zone – that would no longer be an issue. And savvy quarterbacks like Mahomes would get out of bounds at a 90 degree angle to avoid getting hit instead of prancing down safety lane.

This is not my first rodeo with this take by the way. I wrote about this same exact shit two years ago. Mahomes’ shenanigans would never have happened Sunday on my watch.

That recommendation was one of two – the other being that sliding should be banned. Remember the Josh Allen fake slide in the playoffs last year? Same idea. However I’ll point out that isn’t the main reason I think sliding should be banned. But it is a bonus reason.

I don’t know what else to do at this point to make change. Aren’t you sick of seeing these powderpuff rules ruin the game? It’s election season, damnit. Let’s get out there and make our voices heard. Tell you favorite sports personality. Call a radio station. Tweet at someone. I don’t know. But what I do know is Patrick Mahomes can’t keep getting away with this. Or Josh Allen. Or anyone. It’s stupid and dumb and bad.

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