Shirtless Man Holding A Beer Humiliates CNN: VIDEO

We’ve found the internet’s newest hero.

You never know when your number will be called to step up to the plate to take care of business. It’s rarely planned.

It just happens, and all you can do is hope to do is execute your job at the highest level possible. That’s exactly what happened with a man who found himself being interviewed by CNN.

Man goes viral for destroying CNN.

CNN’s Elle Reeve was at the MAGA boat parade in Panama City, Florida when she gifted the internet one of the greatest interviews you’ll ever see.

She pressed a shirtless man with a beer in an Alabama koozie about why he cares so much about the economy….especially if he owns a boat.

How can someone who owns a boat possibly care about the economy, right? What happened next was pure art. Do yourself a favor by getting a beer of your own, smash the play button and let me know your thoughts at

This exchange belongs in the Smithsonian:

CNN: “If you can afford, you’re not hurting so bad, right, because a boat costs a lot of money and it’s a lot of upkeep.

American hero: “Listen, nobody gave me sh*t. I earned everything that I’ve got. I’m retired military, retired power plant, and I am successful and retired with boats and jet skis because I did it right, and everybody has that chance. Whether they choose or not, that’s up to them.”

I honestly thought this was a parody of CNN when I first saw it. How does being “comfortable” mean you’re not supposed to care about the economy?

Is the implication that only poor people can care about the economy? That’s just simply not true. Everyone should care about the economy because it impacts us all.

Seriously, what world are we living in when that’s how questions about the economy are phrased? It’s beyond embarrassing for CNN.

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