A newly proposed bill would ban all women from getting an abortion, if it’s passed.
Republican representative Eric Burlison of Missouri has proposed a new bill, called the Life at Conception Act which declares children are ‘persons’ under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which allows ‘their right to life to be legally recognized and protected’.
Congressman Burlison said: “I am proud to introduce the Life at Conception Act, which reaffirms the original intent of the 14th Amendment by declaring that the term ‘person’ includes all human beings from the moment of conception.
“It is a scientific fact that life begins at conception.”
Sharing in a press release, the Congressman said: “Every life is a sacred gift from God, deserving of dignity and protection from the moment of conception. The Life at Conception Act uses Congress’ constitutional authority to define personhood, fulfilling our moral and legal obligation to safeguard the lives of the unborn.”
“I am strongly pro-life and will always fight to protect the lives of the unborn. My record is clear, both in Missouri and Washington, D.C., I have consistently voted to protect the life of the child and the health of the mother. I will continue to do so moving forward.”
The amendment states: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
Studied show that bans on abortion health care increase deaths in case of risky pregnancies, as well as delays for women who miscarry.
Studies also show that the quality of care for men and women is impacted when abortions are banned.
This bill requires a majority to be passed (218 of 435). If so, it will then be moved to Senate.
Once there, 51 votes out of 100 would be required for it to be passed.