NFL Fans Are Disgusted By Jason Kelce’s Unusual Hygiene Routine

Jason Kelce is one of the most prominent figures in the NFL, even after retirement. He played all 13 seasons with the Philadelphia Eagles and is synonymous with the franchise he began playing with, in 2011.

Kelce is more famous for his on-the-field play than his off-the-field shenanigans; however, now that his NFL career has come to an end, he has been making the rounds in post-career endeavors, including an appearance in the WWE ring.

The WWE matches aren’t what Kelce has in the news right now, as he has revealed an interesting personal hygiene detail, which disgusts some fans. According to Kelce himself, the former Super Bowl champion does not wash his feet!

This was made apparent after one social media user posted to X stating that he “looks like he doesn’t watch his legs or feet.” The former NFL All-pro replied to the X post with a hilarious comment confirming the suspicions saying, “what kind of weirdo washes their feet.”

Could Jason Kelce Be In The Right For Not Washing His Feet?

Not all of the replies to Kelce’s comment were negative, to say the least. One fan commented on Kelce’s reply with a chart of the human body with a scale that goes between “water will get it” and “deep scrub,” which helps the future Hall of Famer’s case.

Kelce then replied to that comment saying that he was going to steal that, and one fan joking replied to Kelce’s reply saying, “Whoa, what about the knee pits?” And this fan does have a point, but let’s hope for Kelce’s sake that the knees include the knee pits.

Some fans are disgusted, but that doesn’t change Kelce’s mind. So, what more can we learn about the former All-Pro center?


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