A female fan halted the Pittsburgh Steelers–New York Jets game after she decided to get her fifteen minutes of fame by running out on the field during Sunday Night Football.
NBC cameras made sure not to give her the limelight, but this is 2024 and everybody ha a cell phone with a camera these days.
In the stands of Acrisure Stadium, video from behind the goal post showed the female Steeler fan in question getting ready to make her grand entrance onto the field.
It really showed how incredibly easy it was for a woman in a skin-tight shirt and high heels to be able to scale the wall and then run on the field holding a sign that was pro-Donald Trump and anti-Kamala Harris.
The Steelers fan had about 16 seconds of freedom before security caught her from behind and took her to the sidelines.
Just witnessed this at The Steelers game. Claudia Rose is her name, she showed me her fresh MAGA tattoo on her face today
— Steven Steele (@MrStevenSteele) October 21, 2024
The Jets were handily defeated on Sunday night, 15-37.
The Steelers scored 31 unanswered points to end the game.
Pittsburgh Steelers Fan Who Ran On Field Has Been Identified
The woman who ran onto the field of Sunday night’s Jets-Steelers game waving a pro-Trump sign has been identified as Claudia Rose.
You could probably guess by her humongous chest that she is a woman who is also on OnlyFans.
Rose made it all the way to the 40-yard line carrying a sign that said, “Trump, secure border. Kamala, open border” before she was nabbed by security and escorted out of the stadium.
She likely made Donald Trump happy as he was watching from his VIP box, and Steelers fans were cheering her on the whole time.
She was arrested and taken to jail for her actions but would eventually get bonded out.
She is likely banned from ever attending any Steelers games in the future.