Air Canada Passengers Stage A Walkout After Flight Attendant Goes Nuts On A Passenger For Asking For An Extra Blanket

Source – A Montreal-bound Air Canada flight from Morocco was canceled after a flight attendant was caught on camera ranting and raving at a passenger who had reportedly requested a blanket.

Video of the incident aboard Friday’s Flight AC73 from Casablanca shows the enraged female flight attendant gesturing angrily while yelling at an unseen passenger in both English and French.

“You will behave or we will get off!” the flight crew member bellows in now-viral footage captured by another passenger. “I don’t want no bullying against my crew!”

She ignored a request to get the captain and was filmed storming up the aisle before turning around and shouting, “Everyone behave! Be quiet … or you’re getting off.”

I would like to take this time to offer my full, unwavering, support to the flight attendants across the country. No one deals with more shit in their profession other than literal plumbers. Every day masses of stressed out, tired, often overweight pigs walk into their office (the airplane) and forget how to act. Shoes off on the flight, complaining, farting, not listening the simplest instructions…and the flight attendants take it in stride. They smile, show you to your seat, and ask you what snack you want. So yeah, every once in a while they are allowed to freak out. Especially when someone starts bitching about the temperature before they even take off. Baby girl, throw a sweater on and shut the fuck up. You’re an adult. Which brings me to my next point…how soft are these passengers? They walk off the flight because the flight attended raised her voice?!? LOL. Give me a break. Have fun walking to your destination, idiots.

And don’t get me wrong, I understand that flying sucks, but everyone is in the same boat. No one is comfortable and no one wants to be there. AS AN ADULT you have to deal with that. Preferably by closing your eyes and going to sleep until you arrive at your destination.

Here’s what Air Canada had to say…

Air Canada confirmed that the flight was canceled, with a different crew brought in to take the passengers to their destination on Sunday. Passengers would also be offered compensation for both the delay and the unsettling incident, the airline told CTV News.

“We are taking this incident very seriously,” spokesperson Christophe Hennebell said.

“It is under review, and we will take appropriate action. We apologize to our customers and deeply regret that their experience today fell far short of what they have come to expect when flying with Air Canada.”

I hope the flight attendant got the same level of compensation as those passengers. That’s it for this one. Thanks for reading.

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