New Body-cam Footage Of Tyreek Hill Arrest Is Causing a HUGE Debate

When Tyreek Hill was arrested on Sunday right before the Dolphin’s game kicked off, we reported on it and said we don’t know the full story, but we’ll keep you updated as new information comes out.

And while I still think we don’t know the “full” story yet, I do have a big update for you.

New body-cam footage has been released and I’ll show it to you first and then we’ll discuss the debate it’s causing…

Full screen video player here:

It’s funny how we can all watch the same video and come away with VERY different opinions!

This guy says the cops in question need to be kicked off the force and “this video proves it”:

Meanwhile, Matt Walsh says Tyreek is “100 percent” at fault and acted like a “belligerent a-hole”:

I suppose it’s very possible BOTH SIDES were in the wrong at multiple points along the way…

Curious what you think….

Here’s one more of Tyreek on CNN playing the victim card:

Full screen video player here:

Curious to know what you think….

I think I’m in the camp of “there are no good guys” in this story, everyone seems to have acted out of control.

Who’s side are you on?

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